Colour Consultation

Colour Consultation With Nik Lutz

If your patients are able to attend our rooms in Deakin, Canberra please ask them to visit this page for more information.

Remote Colour Consultation

Wherever you are in Australia, an effective colour prescription can be provided using photographs (which can be emailed to us). Here’s how:

  1. Make your shade selection
  2. Take an image of the patient’s teeth with the shade tab or tabs held up closely against them. The image can be taken with any digital camera, including those on a smartphone or tablet.
  3. Email a high resolution image to us, along with the patient details. The higher the resolution, the better.

The images you send enable Nik to see the details of the tooth: the characteristics that he will be able to reproduce in the final restoration. The shade is determined by the shade tabs, not the image itself, so if the colours of the image aren’t true, please don’t be concerned.

Image shows a shade guide: a device that will help Nik Lutz to determine the colours in your teeth