How fast a turnaround can I expect?

Our usual turnaround is 10 working days. However, if there are time constraints please give us a call: we will work with you whenever possible to take care of your patient.

What information do you need from me to produce the best quality workmanship?

As much as possible is the short answer: however, if you want to discuss the best way to approach a complex case, call Nik and he’ll be glad to brainstorm with you or provide some guidance.

I’m in ________: can I use your lab?

Yes! No matter where in Australia you are located, we can work together. The availability of great delivery service providers makes Australia a very small place, and we can arrange delivery to most places overnight.

I’ve heard that some ‘Australian” labs outsource work overseas? Do you do this?

Absolutely not! Every case that you send to us is taken care of by us right here in our premises, using quality materials and equipment. We are an OHPA Accredited Laboratory, which means we adhere to high standards of quality control and workmanship.

How effective are remote colour consultations?

Very! Nik doesn’t actually take shades from the images, but the presence of the shade tabs provides this information. The high resolution images you send allow Nik to look at the surface idiosyncrasies and reproduce those.

I need some information about a material or manufacturer: can you help me?

Of course! Just give Nik or Elly a call and they’ll do their best to get you the information you are seeking.